I know I am a bit behind in up loading photos….you have seen the before photos (or click here to see them) but here are the “during” photos:
Shelves are starting to be filled |
Classroom |
Boxes everywhere still |
Plenty of coffee consumed! |
Late Wednesday afternoon we got the go ahead that we could start working in the shop…..3 evenings and 2 full days followed…..I have muscles I didn’t know existed! So many boxes lifted and fittings moved. Although a BIG thank you to the courier across the road for fork lifting the 2 fittings in from the back in to the shop. And a MASSIVE thank you to the ladies (and gentleman) who helped move the fittings, unpack all the boxes and had my kids for sleep overs. I could not have done it without you!
Friday night the shop looked like this:
On Saturday morning I hung up some layouts and put out some of the BTP items so it doesn’t look as bare anymore. As soon as Tony comes home he will be putting up the slat wall along the back.
The blinds will be fitted in the next couple of weeks and the walls will get filled with layouts. The best thing is we felt so safe there late at night. No one banging on the windows, no need to venture outside for the toilet (did I already mention we have not 1 but 2 inside?! lol) no empty beer bottles left outside. On Friday night I was even there by myself for a couple of hours (unheard of in my other shop) and when I left at 9.30pm felt very safe going outside to the car, which means night classes will definitely be happening now.
What do you think of the new shop?