As a busy mother of 3 Primary School aged kids with a husband who works away I sometimes struggle to get everything done that needs doing.
The kids have library and sports on different days, they do various after school activities and we weren’t eating properly as I often work, and then come home late after their activities.
The only way to function properly is to PLAN. For the past couple of months I have been planning ahead and putting everything in my planner which has helped a lot! But I have since found the kids (and husband!) also need something visual to get their chores done.
After a bit of research (on pinterest of course) I came up with my own version of a “Family Command Station”
I purchased 5 frames from Ikea. (They are available in various sizes here ). Took the backs off, covered the backs in thick wrapping paper (sold @ Scrapbooking in Geraldton ), added photos, names and 1 sheet of paper with days listed and the other blank. Once the glass is back on there you can use them like whiteboards.

I then cut some butcher paper to size and blue tacked it to the wall, and played around a bit with the layout.
The magnet black board was eventually hung up a little higher than on the above photo. as otherwise the kids will keep drawing on it etc. So now I have a bit of space underneath that I would like to fill – just not sure with what yet.
This is how it looks when complete:

The magnetic memo board is also from Ikea. Its called the Luns. I use this to attach current notes etc from school. This frees up the fridge too 🙂

On the side of the cupboard I have a calendar (from Typo ) so I can check dates easily.
The first of the 2 smaller frames are for shopping items I need and the other for our weekly menu. I let the kids choose their favourite meal once a week. I have found they are happy to eat whatever is given for dinner as they know their favourite meal will also be cooked this week!
Then the 3 kids each have their own large frame.

On there I list which days they have library, sport, french, computers etc so its easy to check in the morning that they have all their right books with them. Also listed are the days they have dancing, football practice etc etc.

Then on the right side are their chores for the week. This week I have put an extra sweetener in the bottom space on the magnetic blackboard to help encourage them to do their chores. So far so good!!
How do you keep organised at home? Do you give your kids chores to do? Would love to see what you do….